GRI Management approach and topic-specific disclosures

For GRI Disclosure 103-1 Definition and boundary of material topic, please refer to the Glossary. 

GRI 103 Management approach and topic-specific disclosures



Contributing to decent work and economic growth (SDG8) by investing in our focus sectors: Agribusiness, Energy and Financial Institutions

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Total committed portfolio - FMO


New investments - FMO


Jobs supported (nr. of jobs)

Reducing inequality (SDG10) by investing in least developed countries, fragile states and inclusive business

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


GRI 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio

Reported development impact indicators:
Number of jobs supported
Access to finance: Number of micro loans in clients' loan portfolios
Access to finance: Number of SME loans in clients' loan portfolios
Access to energy: Amount of power produced
Access to energy: Equivalent number of people served via power generation projects
Number of smallholder farmers supported

Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Reducing Inequality-labelled committed portfolio


Reducing Inequality-labelled new investments

Combating climate change and its impacts (SDG 13) by investing in sustainable/green projects

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


GRI 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio

Financed absolute GHG emissions

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio

Financed avoided GHG emissions

Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Green-labelled committed portfolio


Green-labelled new Investments


Financed avoided GHG emissions (tCO2e)


Financed absolute GHG emissions (tCO2e)

Supporting women’s economic empowerment (SDG5) through investments that contribute to the inclusion of women

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Gender-line financing

Promoting environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices in clients or sectors

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

ESG target performance (% of risks managed)

Supporting our customers to safeguard human rights

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Higher impact portfolio


GRI 412-3 Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening

Our investment process

Human rights assessment is part of E&S due diligence

Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

New admissible complaints received


Nr. of customers in portfolio for which human rights were assessed during due diligence

COVID-19 effects / supporting economic recovery

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Our investment process - Impact of COVID-19 on our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Factors impacting our portfolio


No indicator


Mobilizing public & private capital

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Total committed portfolio - mobilized funds


New investments - mobilized funds


Total committed portfolio - public funds


New investments - public funds

Providing capacity development to our customers

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Impact and ESG; Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Total capacity development contracted

Investing in early stage projects and innovation

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships


No indicator


Cooperation and harmonization with other development finance institutions

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Finance, Impact & Data department

Head of indicated department

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Our investment process; How we report; Report of the Supervisory Board;


No indicator


Being a high-performing development finance institution

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

All departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships & Higher productivity


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Realized delivery on project portfolio

Measuring impact & learning from evaluations

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Stakeholders, Strategy and Knowledge Management department

Head of indicated department

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Lessons learned


No indicator


Being a responsible, transparent & accountable bank

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Compliance; Human Resources; Finance, Impact & Data; Corporate Communications

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Higher productivity


GRI 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

Our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Higher productivity; Risk Management

Know Your Customer procedure is part of the investment process and applies to all investments

GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

Performance on our strategy - Higher productivity

Information is included on training of employees by category (front office and all staff). Communication with customers is part of the KYC procedures.

Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Score in latest Transparency Benchmark


Nr. of alleged employee-related integrity issues


Nr. of alleged customer-related integrity issues


Nr. of alleged customer-related integrity issues closed

Ensure employee engagement, health and wellbeing

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Human Resources; All

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships - Employees


Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Employee engagement score

Being an inclusive organization

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Human Resources; All

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships - Employees; Corporate Governance; Report of the Supervisory Board


GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships - Employees; Corporate Governance; Report of the Supervisory Board

MB and SB composition by gender, age and nationality


Employee diversity by gender and nationality

GRI 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

Performance on our strategy - Deeper relationships - Employees

Multiple linear regression was performed to compare remuneration of women and men

Maintaining financial sustainability and risk appetite of FMO

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Finance, Impact & Data; Risk; Credit, Legal & Special Operations

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

Risk Management; Performance on our strategy - Financial performance


GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed

Annual accounts


GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

TCFD Report

Part of the reporting requirements have been omitted because the financial implications of risks and opportunities have not been quantified.

Organization-specific indicator

Connectivity table

Non Performing Loans (%)


Return on average shareholders' equity (%)


Return on assets (%)


Common Equity Tier 1 (%)

Being compliant in a changing regulatory environment

GRI 103-2 Management approach - Responsibility

Risk, Compliance; Finance, Impact & Data, Investment departments

Heads of indicated departments

GRI 103-2 Management approach & 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach

External environment; EU taxonomy; Our investment process; Performance on our strategy - Higher productivity; In control statement; Report of the Supervisory Board; Risk management; Index - reference tables


No indicator