GRI content index

FMO has chosen for the ‘In Accordance’ option ‘Core’. In the following table, reference is made to the GRI 102: General Disclosures.

GRI general disclosures

Disclosure number



Organizational profile

Disclosure 102-1

Name of the organization

How we report - Legal entity

Disclosure 102-2

Activities, brands, products, and services

Our value creation model - FMO's business activities

Disclosure 102-3

Location of headquarters

At a glance

Disclosure 102-4

Location of operations

World map

Disclosure 102-5

Ownership and legal form

How we report - Legal entity

Disclosure 102-6

Markets served

Our value creation model - Our business model

Disclosure 102-7

Scale of the organization

Our value creation model, Connectivity table

Disclosure 102-8

Information on employees and other workers

Our performance - Deeper relationships - Employee engagement

Disclosure 102-9

Supply chain

Our value creation model

Disclosure 102-10

Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-11

Precautionary Principle or approach

Our investment process

Disclosure 102-12

External initiatives

External commitments

Disclosure 102-13

Membership of associations

External commitments



Disclosure 102-14

Statement from senior decision-maker

Letter from the Management Board

Disclosure 102-15

Key impacts, risks, and opportunities

External environment, Our strategy, Our performance, Outlook

Ethics and integrity

Disclosure 102-16

Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Our business model, Our performance - Deeper relationships - Employee engagement

Disclosure 102-17

Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Our business model, Our performance - Higher impact portfolio - Independent Complaints Mechanism



Disclosure 102-18

Governance structure

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-19

Delegating authority

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-20

Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

Our investment process

Disclosure 102-21

Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment

Disclosure 102-22

Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-23

Chair of the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-24

Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-25

Conflicts of interest

Report of the Supervisory Board - Independence, conflicts of interest and governance

Disclosure 102-26

Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-27

Collective knowledge of highest governance body

Report of the Supervisory Board - Permanent education

Disclosure 102-28

Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance

Report of the Supervisory Board - Evaluation

Disclosure 102-29

Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

Our investment process

Disclosure 102-30

Effectiveness of risk management processes

Corporate governance - Risk management framework

Disclosure 102-31

Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

Report of the Supervisory Board - Committee activities

Disclosure 102-32

Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

How we report - Reporting governance

Disclosure 102-33

Communicating critical concerns

Our performance - Higher impact portfolio - Independent Complaints Mechanism

Disclosure 102-34

Nature and total number of critical concerns

Our performance - Higher impact portfolio - Independent Complaints Mechanism

Disclosure 102-35

Remuneration policies

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-36

Process for determining remuneration

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-37

Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-38

Annual total compensation ratio

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-39

Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Stakeholder engagement

Disclosure 102-40

List of stakeholder groups

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment

Disclosure 102-41

Collective bargaining agreements

Our performance - Deeper relationships - Employee engagement

Disclosure 102-42

Identifying and selecting stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment

Disclosure 102-43

Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment

Disclosure 102-44

Key topics and concerns raised

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment

Reporting practice

Disclosure 102-45

Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

Consolidated annual accounts - Group accounting and consolidation

Disclosure 102-46

Defining report content and topic Boundaries

Index Glossary

Disclosure 102-47

List of material topics

Connectivity table

Disclosure 102-48

Restatements of information

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-49

Changes in reporting

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-50

Reporting period

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-51

Date of most recent report

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-52

Reporting cycle

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-53

Contact point for questions regarding the report


Disclosure 102-54

Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

How we report - Standards and reporting guidelines

Disclosure 102-55

GRI content index

Index GRI content index

Disclosure 102-56

External assurance

How we report - External assurance