Notes to the consolidated statement of financial position: assets
The cash on bank accounts can be freely disposed of. All bank accounts are classified as Stage 1.
Read more ›Notes to the consolidated statement of financial position: assets
Notes to the consolidated statement of financial position: liabilities
Short-term credits reflect the cash collateral received for derivative contracts held with positive value. Refer also to the section 'Counterparty credit risk' in the 'Risk management' chapter.
Read more ›Notes to the consolidated statement of financial position: liabilities
Notes to the consolidated statement of profit or loss
Included in the interest income on loans is €28,814k (2021: €15,088k) related to Stage 3 loans (adjusted on basis of net carrying amount).
Read more ›Notes to the consolidated statement of profit or loss
Off-balance sheet information
To meet the financial needs of borrowers, FMO enters into various irrevocable commitments (loan commitments, equity commitments and guarantee commitments) and contingent liabilities.
Read more ›Off-balance sheet information
Related party information
FMO defines the Dutch Government, FMO's subsidiaries, associates, the Management Board (MB) and Supervisory Board (SB) as related parties.
Read more ›Related party information
Subsequent events
On February 6, 2023, there was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria. This lead to thousands of buildings in the southern provinces of Turkey and northern parts of Syria to collapse with a significant loss of life recorded.
Read more ›Subsequent events
Notes to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Read more ›Notes to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows
The consolidated cash flow statement shows the sources of liquidity that became available during the year and the application of this liquidity.
Read more ›Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows