List of abbreviations
AC | Amortized cost | |
AEF | Access to Energy Fund | |
BP | Building Prospects | |
CD | Capacity Development Program | |
CET1 | Common Equity Tier 1 | |
CFM | Climate Fund Managers | |
CIO | Climate Investor One | |
CRD | Capital Requirements Directive | |
CRFO | Chief Risk & Finance Officer | |
CRR | Capital Requirements Regulation | |
DFCD | Dutch Fund for Climate and Development | |
DNB | De Nederlandse Bank (Dutch Central Bank) | |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization | |
EC | European Commission | |
ECB | European Central Bank | |
ECL | Expected Credit Loss | |
EDFI | European Development Finance Institution | |
EU | European Union | |
FEC | Financial Economic Crime | |
FOM | Faciliteit Opkomende Markten | |
FMO IM | FMO Investment Management | |
FV | Fair value | |
FVOCI | Fair value through other comprehensive income | |
FVPL | Fair value through profit or loss | |
FX | Foreign exchange | |
GCF | Green Climate Fund | |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | |
IAS | International Accounting Standards | |
IASB | International Accounting Standards Board | |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | |
IMF | International Monetary Fund | |
IPC | Irrevocable payment commitment | |
IRC | Investment Risk Committee | |
JIM | Joint Impact Model | |
KYC | Know Your Customer | |
LIBOR | London Inter-Bank Offered Rate | |
MB | Management Board | |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | |
MFF | Mobilizing Finance for Forests | |
NPL | Non performing loans | |
OCI | Other comprehensive income | |
PP&E | Property Plant and Equipment | |
RI | Reduced Inequalities | |
SB | Supervisory Board | |
SRB | Single Resolution Board | |
SRF | Single Resolution Fund | |
Wwft | Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren terrorisme |