Found 139 results.
Financial Risk
Investment risk is defined as the risk that actual investment returns will be lower than expected returns, and includes credit, equity, concentration and counterparty credit risks.
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Business risk
Environmental & Social (E&S) risk refers to risk posed by (potential) adverse impacts of the FMO investments on the environment, their employees and workers, communities, and other stakeholders.
Read more ›Business risk
Non-Financial Risk
Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events, including legal risks, excluding strategic risks. This is the ‘Basel’ definition of operational risk.
Read more ›Non-Financial Risk
Segment reporting by operating segments
The Management Board sets performance targets, approves and monitors the budgets prepared by servicing units. Servicing units are not identical to the strategic sectors.
Read more ›Segment reporting by operating segments
Information about geographical areas
FMO operates in the following four geographical regions: Africa, Asia, Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean.
Read more ›Information about geographical areas